Voor de jubileumeditie van DANSLOKAAL schoof Dansateliers (creatieve partner in DANSLOKAAL) choreograaf Dovydas Strimaitis naar voren. De van oorsprong Litouwse choreograaf maakt voor DANSLOKAAL 10 een solo met danser Liza Wallerbosch. We stelden Dovydas enkele vragen over zijn werk in DANSLOKAAL.

What does it mean to you to be one of the choreographers in DANSLOKAAL?
Dovydas: Being one of the choreographers in DANSLOKAAL 10 is first and foremost a huge show of trust. While I believe strongly in my work, as a young, emerging artist, I have many questions and uncertainties. The invitation from Dansateliers and the trust that they put in me are highly encouraging and help me to push through in the moments of doubt. The trust implies responsibility and inevitably puts some pressure, however the environment during the creation process was very welcoming and supportive, so I felt free to experiment, fail, and recover.

Liza Wallerbosch tijdens een repetitie van Dovydas Strimaitis. foto: Salih Kiliç

What is it like to work with the dancers of Conny Janssen Danst?
: Creating in DANSLOKAAL was the first time I worked with dancers that I did not know personally beforehand. This was a novelty and a challenge to me as I had to learn how to articulate my ideas even more clearly, how to prepare dancers’ bodies and minds for the work I create, and how to deal with the unpredictable. However, all that made me acquire skills that are essential for a choreographer. My hope is that the dancers learned from working with me as much as I learned from working with them.

Can you tell briefly what the people can expect when they watch your piece in DANSLOKAAL?
Dovydas: I hope that after seeing my work, audiences will first of all, get to know me as a maker and dancers as artists, and secondly, get to know themselves through the artistic lense that I propose. Artistic experience is always a conversation, never a monologue, so audiences should expect to question what the dancers and I made, and not be passive observers of our statements.

Lees hier meer over het werk van Dovydas Strimaitis en zijn bio.

DANSLOKAAL 10 op de Nederlandse Dansdagen
vr 30 sep & za 1 okt
Kumulus, Maastricht

DANSLOKAAL 10 in Huis Conny Janssen Danst
do 6 okt t/m zo 16 okt
Huis Conny Janssen Danst, Rotterdam

DANSLOKAAL 10 on tour
wo 19 okt t/m zo 13 nov
In verschillende theaters in Nederland!


Dovydas Strimaitis, Zino Schat, Remy Tilburg|Theater tour

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