Gaia Salsi

For me dance represents a deep personal journey and a shared experience at the same time. It's an ongoing exploration of my identity, a delicate dance with my own soul. I believe that being a dancer Is like being part of a secret, sacred language that only my body understands. It's an intimate conversation with myself In which each step and gesture feels like a revelation, peeling back layers of who I am and revealing pieces of my inner landscape that words cannot touch most of the time. I believe that being a dancer means also being brave, since you will constantly confront yourself with your deepest insecurities and fears, but I see this as a possibility that life gave to me in order to grow as a dancer, but mostly as human being. Gaia Salsi (stage)

Gaia Salsi (stage)(23)

Danser (Stage)



Bij Conny Janssen Danst sinds

augustus 2024


Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts, Tilburg

Nice to know about Gaia:
“Since dance became my profession and not just a hobby, sometimes I find it a bit tricky to find other hobbies besides dance. However, I always loved to observe people and their human body language, trying to understand what their intentions are and what they communicate with the outside world.

I love to connect with people and I am realising more and more how enriching and essential it Is for me to surround myself with human beings that are sensible and have a positive vision of life.
I am also really fascinated by every other kind of art and I love to play with my creativity.
I have always been fascinated by languages and learning how to verbally communicate with people of different cultures. This always pushed me to increase my curiosity and knowledges.”

©Andreas Terlaak

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